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Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Writing Pads A5  Original Crown Mill, Classic, Writing Pads, Pads,
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCM125 -

50, 5.75" x 8.25" classic "laid-finish" writing sheets in a pad. Made in Belgium by Original Crown Mill. Imported by OrangeArt. Envelopes are sold separately.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Envelopes (for A5) Original Crown Mill, Classic Laid, envelopes
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCM436 -

25, 4.5" x 6.25" lined envelopes in a cello pack. Matches the OCM125 - A5 (5.75" x 8.25") Writing Pads. Made in Belgium by Original Crown Mill. Imported by OrangeArt.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Writing Pads A4  Original Crown Mill, Classic, Writing Pads, Pads,
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCM140 -

50, 8.25" x 11.75" (A4) laid writing sheets in a pad. Made in Belgium by Original Crown Mill. Imported by OrangeArt.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Envelopes (for A4) Original Crown Mill, Classic Laid, envelopes
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCM461 -

25, 4.25" x 8.75" (C6/5) lined envelopes in a cello pack. Matches the OCM140 - A4 (8.25" x 11.75") Writing Pads. Made in Belgium by Original Crown Mill. Imported by OrangeArt.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Deckle Edge Note Cards 25PK
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCMDECD25 -

These crisp 4.5" x 6.75", "classic" laid finish flat cards have a distinctive deckled edge. The 25 note cards are packaged in a cello. Matching envelopes are sold separately. The cards come in white, cream, blue, pink and grey are just right for a quick "hello" or "thank you" note. Made in Belgium by Original Crown Mill and imported exclusively by Orange Art.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Deckle Edge Sheets 25PK
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCMDESHT25 -

These crisp, "classic" laid finish sheets have a distinctive deckled edge. The 25 sheets are packaged in a cello. Matching envelopes are sold separately. The sheets come in white, cream, blue, pink and grey are just right for a quick "hello" or "thank you" note. Made in Belgium by Original Crown Mill and imported exclusively by Orange Art.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Deckle Edge Envelopes 25PK
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCMDEENV25 -

These crisp, "classic" laid finish envelopes have a distinctive deckled edge. The 25 envelopes are packaged in a cello. Matching note cards and sheets are sold separately. The envelopes come in white, cream, blue, pink and grey. Made in Belgium by Original Crown Mill and imported exclusively by Orange Art.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Digital Envelopes
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCM453 -

50, Original Crown Mill Classic laid finish envelopes in an American, #10 4.125 x 9.5" size. The envelopes are suitable for digital printing methods.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Deckle Edge Small Note Card Gold Box Original Crown Mill, Gold, Boxed, Stationery, deckled, classic. laid surface, business cards
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCM610DE -

These crisp, "classic" laid finish note cards have a lovely deckled edge. The 25, 2.5 x 3.75" cards are boxed with 25 un-lined envelopes. We use them at OrangeArt for our larger-than-typical, business cards, printed letterpress. Could also be used as a gift enclosure or calling card. Made in Belgium. Imported by OrangeArt.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Deckle Edge Note Card Gold Box Original Crown Mill, Gold, Boxed, Stationery, deckled, classic. laid surface, flat cards
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCM630DE -

These crisp, "classic" 4" x 6" laid finish note cards have a distinctive deckled edge. The 25 note cards are banded and stored in a substantial gold foil box with matching, white tissue-lined envelopes. The cards, in white, cream, blue, pink and grey are just right for a quick "hello" or "thank you" note. Made in Belgium by Original Crown Mill and imported exclusively by OrangeArt.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Deckle Edge Sheet Correspondence Gold Box A5  Original Crown Mill, Gold, Boxed, Stationery, deckled, classic. laid surface
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCM530DE -

The 25, crisp, "classic" laid finish writing sheets have a subtle deckled edge. They are banded and stored with matching white tissue lined envelopes in a substantial gold foil box. The writing sheets are a European A5 size (5.75"x8.25"), perfect for "modern" letter stationery - not too long, not too short. Personalize with a professionally printed name or monogram. Ink-jet compatible. Made in Belgium. Imported by OrangeArt.

Original Crown Mill Classic Laid Plain Edge Small Note Card Silver Box Original Crown Mill, Gold, Boxed, Stationery, deckled, classic. laid surface, business cards
Availability: In Stock
Item #: OCM610PE -

These crisp, "classic" laid-surface note cards from Belgium have a straight edge. The 25 small, 2.5 x 3.75" cards are boxed with 25 un-lined envelopes. The clean edge allows for easy printing registration. Imported exclusively by OrangeArt.